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Brian Orr, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

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Assistant Professor

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Human Sciences and Services 119


Brian Orr joined the department in the fall of 2020 after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Florida. Previously, Dr. Orr worked with middle and high school students as a school-based speech-language pathologist. At 澳门葡京网赌送彩金, his academic and clinical teaching is focused on the interdisciplinary assessment and treatment of language and literacy disorders. He is the clinical supervisor for the speech-language pathology teams assigned to the Human Development Center and Language and Literacy Clinic. His research interests focus on integrating the interdisciplinary concept of human flourishing within speech-language pathology and improving support for families engaged in home education. He also participates in faculty-student research collaborations in the department's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) lab to advance teaching and learning practices. Dr. Orr is a co-chair of the USA chapter of Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorders (RADLD) and directs the Human Flourishing Project in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences.



  • Ph.D., University of Florida (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
  • M.A., University of Florida (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
  • B.A., University of Florida (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
Teaching and Research Interests

Teaching and Research Interests

  • Language and literacy: assessment and intervention
  • Research methods
  • Human Flourishing Project in SLHS
  • Interprofessional practice 
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)